All metals can be coated, bare, protected or enhanced, optimized for your requirements. PROTECTED ALUMINUMAluminum coating with a Silicon Monoxide overcoat.ENHANCED ALUMINUMAluminum coating with a Silicon Dioxide/Tantalum Pentoxide overcoat. PROTECTED/ENHANCED SILVERSilver with dielectric overcoat PROTECTED / ENHANCED GOLDGold with dielectric …

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L & L Optical Services offers the highest quality thin film coatings available, providing the Astronomical Telescope community with three aluminum coatings for your primary and secondary mirrors.

PROTECTED and ENHANCED Aluminum, Silver, Gold, Chrome, Nickel, Inconel, Copper, Rhodium Request Quote Phone: 714-558-8151 Richard @ 1200 E. Normandy Place, Santa Ana, California 92705